"But how shall I get ideas? Keep your wits open! Observe! Observe! Study! Study! But above all, THINK! THINK!
And when a noble image is indelibly impressed upon the mind — Act! ACT!" ~ Orison Swett Marden
Our ever growing sales force are the best trained, supervised and motivated salespeople on the street which is why our gross sales revenue is consistently expanding. THINK: Yes or No?
Recruiting/Managing Salespeople... Sales Activities... Sales Reporting/Forecasting... Sales Support... Types of Sales...
According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), Sales Management is defined as "The planning, direction, and control of personal selling... including recruiting, selecting, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying and motivating as these tasks apply to a personal sales force."
Sales management is essential to the attainment of an organization's revenue goals in an effective & efficient manner through planning, staffing, training, leading & controlling organizational resources. Managing your salesforce includes motivating sales professionals so that they help your customers choose YOU more frequently rather than a competitor. Remember, SALES fuel your organization and the management of the sales process is one of the most important functions in your business.
Sales planning and management involves predicting demand for your products and services... and the demands upon your sales people. Failure to plan always means lost sales. Planning insures that when a consumer wishes to purchase your product, the product is available, but it also means opportunities for additional sales are presented and your sales people are available to fully exploit these opportunities.
Planning should allow for meeting increasing customer demand for more products, services and/or customization as the business is growing, but also react quickly when demand decreases. Exceptional Sales Management improves efficiency and decreases unfocused and uncoordinated activity within the sales process.
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Focused on customer needs, you have developed great products and services that people will naturally want to buy from you... once your Sales People convince them WHO you are... WHERE you are located... HOW to find you... WHAT you stand for... what you won't stand for... your terms of service... your payment arrangements... your brand's reputation... your people's professionalism... and a million other details that stand between you and your client's money...
Ultimately, Sales Management is all about making it EASY for people to do business with you and to give you MONEY. It is about successfully traversing whatever Sales Cycle (long or short, strategic or simple) that transforms interested prospects into dedicated customers/evangelists.
"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come." ~ Victor Hugo
Sales managers direct the distribution of the product or service to the customer.
They assign sales territories, set sales goals, and establish training programs for the organization's sales representatives. They advise the sales representatives on ways to improve their sales performance. In large multi-product firms, they oversee regional and local sales managers and their staffs.
Sales managers maintain contact with dealers and distributors and analyze sales statistics to determine sales potential and inventory requirements and to monitor customers' preferences. Such information is vital in the development of products and the maximization of profits.
Effective Sales Management Includes...
Developing leadership and team-building skills... Recruiting and training a higher caliber of sales professional... Improving your sales team's productivity... Generating increased profits with fewer resources... Being Able to Create a Strategy Based on Current and Projected Trends... Aligning Your Sales Team's Goals with Those of the Organization... Building a Strong and Competitive Sales Team... Ensuring That Your Compensation Plan Is Driving the Desired Behavior... Effectively Utilizing Forecasting Tools to Maximize Sales Results.
Growing a business is hard work. The Sales Management function is often overlooked by small business owners. Spending the necessary time wearing your sales manager hat will help build a successful sales team to boost your business to new levels.
Clearly, unleashing the sales power inherent within every person in your organization... beating your competition every step of the way... and giving your company the ability to consistently produce revenue beyond expectations is what the Sales Management function is all about.
Excellence At This Function Means You Can Say...
This Golden Function is composed of the following sub-functions and actions — things which must be done to guarantee your success.
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