Welcome To The TQ/Ai™ Center For Advanced Working Intelligence

To access TQ/Ai™ & MyBizIQ, you must Sign In if you are already registered with ThinkTQ
or, complete the Quick Registration below...

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New Member Registration

To access TQ/Ai™ & MyBizIQ, you first need to create a ThinkTQ.com account. Register with confidence, and cancel anytime if not for you!

New Account Information

The information in this section is for your MyBIzIQ.com account. All fields are required.

Personal Profile Information

The following profile information is entirely optional, but helps us to better evaluate your MyBizIQ test results.

Please Confirm Your Identity

For the protection of your account , we want to send you a One-Time Identification Code and make sure it's realy you.

Choose a delivery method:


Important: By clicking below I agree to receive an email from an automated dial system to receive my identification Code.

Note, SMS text is almost instantaneous but email codes can take awhile, so you have 30 minutes to check and use your log code. Many thanks!


Enter Your Identity Code

Please enter the Identification Code you received on your email by automated email.

Important: If you don't receive your code, please check your spam folder and add ThinkTQ.com to your approved sender list. Thank you!

Need a new Code?
